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Ruby Throated Hummingbird.jpg
Ruby Throated Hummingbird photo - source CANVA.png

Have you captured a flash of red?

​Ruby red that is. If you have been fortunate enough to capture a Ruby-throated hummingbird on your camera, we are looking for a photo of this ruby jewel to feature on our new lens cleaning cloth and in other International Hummingbird Society marketing, including social and the website.


Submit your best three photos to be in to win!


Ruby Throat 8meyers-swanson.jpg

Submit your best Ruby-throated hummingbird photo

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Thanks for submitting your photo.

The winners will be contacted by email on October 5, 2024!

Flash of Red Photo Contest terms and conditions


By submitting a photograph, you represent, acknowledge, and warrant that the submitted photograph is an original work created solely by you, and that the photograph does not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, moral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity, and that no other party has any right, title, claim, or interest in the photograph. You retain all ownership rights to the photos you submit. By submitting a photo you give permission to International Hummingbird Society (IHS) to use the winning image on its website and other marketing material in relation to the contest and to promote future IHS contests. Should the IHS wish to use the image in advertising and marketing of IHS the photographer will be contacted for permission and will be credited. 


You may enter up to three photos. Images should be high resolution--greater than 1mb and in .jpg format. If the images total more than 15mb, please use separate entries.

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