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Help support our mission by becoming an important part of our community. That could be as simple as signing up to our newsletter to get hummingbird news delivered directly to your inbox, following us on social and tagging us in your photos, becoming a member or being an advocate in your community by spreading the word about the threats to hummingbirds.
Hummingbirds may be solitary animals, but to help the survival of these amazing creatures we need to be a charm (a group of hummingbirds). Take the first step and sign up to our newsletter below.
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Our Blog
Hummingbirds never cease to amaze us. From their hummingbird heart beat at up to 1,200 beats per minute to their wings beating at 60-80 times per second. Discover more about these amazing creatures, how to feed them and transform your garden into a hummingbird haven, personal stories and photography, plus more about your favorite hummingbird species. Learn more here.

Walk-in: 2756 W State Rte 89A, Suite 1
Sedona AZ 86336, USA
Mail: PO Box 4222, Sedona AZ 86340
(928) 284-2251
(800) 529-3699