In the end, we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught."
— Baba Dioum
About Us
Founded in 1996, the International Hummingbird Society's mission is to educate people about hummingbirds and work internationally to protect them. Through our work, we strive to inspire people to learn more about hummingbirds, understand the threats to their conservation, and take action to protect them for future generations.

Golden-tailed Sapphire © anthony-lujan
Our Work
Hummingbirds around the world need our help. In 1995, ten percent of all known species of hummingbirds were considered at risk of extinction. It is still true today. Other species of hummingbirds are following the same path. The Rufous hummingbird has lost two-thirds of its population since 1970. Become a member and help support our work to ensure these tiny marvels of nature thrive for future generations.

© anthony-lujan
We know that education about hummingbirds, their behavior and the threats to their existence is the first step to ensuring that we conserve their habitat so they not only survive, but also thrive.

© anthony-lujan
Sedona Hummingbird Festival
Join other hummingbird enthusiasts at our three-day festival in the most beautiful place in America to see hummingbirds. Expand your knowledge with presentations from experts, banding demonstrations, garden yours and more.

© alice-madar
Habitat Expansion
Turn your garden into a Certified Hummingbird Haven that provides local and migrating hummingbirds with food, water, sanctuary and an eco-friendly environment. Show your support and certify today.

Hummingbird Banding
To further our understanding of hummingbird populations and their movement across the USA, the IHS has partnered with the Hummingbird Monitoring Network to establish a hummingbird banding and monitoring site near Sedona.
© anthony-lujan
The hummingbird is a tiny but powerful voice for conservation. We support conservation projects and educational efforts designed to protect these vulnerable wonders, so they continue to delight us.

© alice-madar
Building a Community
We strive to inspire people to not only support the conservation of these tiny gems, but also join the community of liked-minded hummingbird lovers. Join our online community and share your love with the "charm."
Get Involved

Join Our Hummingbird Community.
© alice-madar